Emergencies have the potential to escalate from a minor event to a major catastrophe. Not having in place a tested Emergency Response Plan (ERP) sets the stage for responders to fail, often with tragic consequences.
Emergency Response Plans (ERP’s) are meant to define site management and communication processes that need to be followed when an emergency occurs. They are to provide immediate advice and quick reference for situations which require activation of Level 1 responses, may require Level 2 and 3 emergency responses, and the activation procedures for each. Plans also need to include pre-identified emergency scenarios and response protocols.
Terra Marique Risk Management Ltd.’s (TMRM Ltd.’s) personnel have participated in domestic and international risk management activities and emergency response operations in the Americas, Australasia, Caspian Sea region, North and South East Asia, the Middle East, and West Africa.
TMRM Ltd. assists companies and organizations by developing and / or reviewing emergency response plans, and then testing responses against those documents. There are different types of emergency response tests used to evaluate program plans, procedures and capabilities. Typically these are Walkthroughs, workshops or orientation seminars; Drills; Tabletop exercises; Function exercises; and Full-scale exercises. This is done to gauge content accuracy, compliance to regulatory requirements, recommend additions/modifications to eliminate identified gaps, and address training deficiencies. If acted upon these findings ensure a facility is well prepared to respond should an emergency occur.