TMRM Ltd.’s personnel are accredited and proficient in conducting onshore and offshore audits, inspections, and Cold Eye Reviews.
Utilizing TMRM Ltd.’s services provide an impartial assessment of your operations, recommended solutions to identified issues, and confidence that health, safety, environmental and security stewardship is given needed attention.
The emphasis of Health, Safety, Environment and Security (HSES) audits is on improvement, aligned with business objectives. Companies and organisations having a mature attitude toward health and safety recognize the benefits of audits and look forward to implementing their findings.
Audits are not to concentrate on conformity alone but put greater emphasis on effectiveness and continual enhancement.
The prime objectives of Audits are to determine:
– Level of compliance to approved procedures by the functions being audited.
– Adequacy, effectiveness and efficiency of Systems in meeting specified objectives, and provide the Auditee with an opportunity to improve them.
The objective of inspections is to look at something carefully to learn more about it, to find problems, etc. (1). It is to evaluate activities performed at a manufacturer’s or supplier’s location or other designated location to assure conformance to purchase orders, contractual specifications, or other established standards.
Examples of inspections done by TMRM Ltd.’s personnel include:
– Fire and Life Saving Appliances
– Offshore Helideck Equipment
– Ground and Marine Transport
– Contractor Premises and Equipment
Cold Eye Reviews
A Cold Eye Review (CER), performed by a qualified reviewer, is an independent assessment of a Facility’s compliance. While a Cold Eye Review’s description may sound similar to Audits the two are not the same. Audits are done using internal or external resources, and tend to view procedures or systems in a general sense. Cold Eye reviewers are deliberately selected from outside of a facility or specific process to bring a fresh perspective for identifying improvements. Cold Eye Reviews often uncover non-compliances that are obvious to outsiders but have been overlooked by personnel at a location. Cold Eye Reviewers also sometimes uncover unique issues, that when corrected add value.